US English International keyboard without dead keys, with Asturian characters (Ḷḷ and Ḥḥ) for XKB.
It is the United States International keyboard layout but without the two dead keys: ` ~ and ' ". And with the two Asturian special characters Ḷḷ (che vaqueira) and Ḥḥ (hache aspirada).
Right Alt + l = ḷ
Right Alt + Shift + L = Ḷ
Right Alt + h = ḥ
Right Alt + Shift + H = Ḥ
Ctrl + left Alt + l = ḷ
Ctrl + left Alt + Shift + L = Ḷ
Ctrl + left Alt + h = ḥ
Ctrl + left Alt + Shift + H = Ḥ
Note: Ḷ replace Ø (Unicode 00d8), ḷ replace ø (Unicode 00f8).
US English International keyboard layout without dead keys, with Asturian characters (Ḷḷ and Ḥḥ) for Windows
Get it at USASTWDK repository.
US English International keyboard layout without dead keys
Get it at USINTWDK repository.
Spanish keyboard layour with dead keys, Ḷḷ and Ḥḥ
Get it at ESASTDK repository.